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Classes (CLICK HERE for espanol)

The registration and payment process is EASY. If you want to read more about the system please CLICK HERE.

Once you fill out the information and release for your family you will not have to do it again, unless you need to update or change the information.


Our sessions are 12 weeks and are based on the school year calendar (except for the Enrichment program which is month to month). Tuition is paid every 12 weeks. Tuition must be paid a month prior to start in order to guarantee your spot. A valid credit card or debit card is required for registration. All students are automatically enrolled in the same class for the next 12 weeks within the September-June year. Accounts will be billed one month prior to the start of each session.

REGISTRATION FEE: Due upon enrollment, and is effective September 1, 2024 through August 31, 2025. $35.00 per person, $20.00 each additional family member. prior to start class, the balance must be paid in full.

CLASS WITHDRAWAL FORMS: A class withdrawal form must be filled out one month prior to the next session starting in order to avoid being charged for the next session. CLICK HERE to print out the form or CLICK HERE to fill out a form online.

Fall Session: September 5, 2024 – November 27, 2024
(Thanksgiving break Nov. 28, 29, 30, 2024)
Monday class starts on 9/9 ends 11/25
Tuesday class starts on 9/10 ends 11/26
Wednesday class starts on 9/11 ends 11/27
Thursday class starts on 9/5 ends 11/21
Friday class starts on 9/6 ends 11/22
Saturday class starts 9/7 ends 11/23

Winter Session: December 2, 2024 – March 8, 2025
(Holiday break Dec. 23 – Jan. 1, 2025)
Due to in-house gymnastics meets, No Classes
on Jan. 23, 24, 25, 26, & 31 or Feb. 1 & 2.
These classes will be made-up. Please schedule
make-ups with the front desk.
Monday class starts on 12/2 ends 3/3
Tuesday class starts on 12/3 ends 3/4
Wednesday class starts 12/4 ends 3/5
Thursday class starts on 12/5 ends 3/6
Friday class starts on 12/6 ends 3/7
(We will owe you 1 make-up in the semester)
Saturday class starts on 12/7 ends 3/8
(We will owe you 1 make-up in the semester)

Spring Session: March 10, 2025 – June 2, 2025
(Closed Memorial Day – May 26, 2025)
Monday class starts on 3/10 ends 6/2
Tuesday class starts on 3/11 ends 5/27
Wednesday class starts on 3/12 ends 5/28
Thursday class starts on 3/13 ends 5/29
Friday class starts on 3/14 ends 5/30
Saturday class starts on 3/15 ends 5/31

Summer Session : Available in March 2025
Acro for Dancers Boys & Girls ages 6-18- Classical Dance Technique combined with precision acrobatic elements defined by its athletic charachter. Unique choregraphy seamlessly blends dance and acrobatics. Students will learn the transition from dance steps to tumbling with grace and style. The class focus is on cartwheels, aerials, front/back limbers, front/back walkovers, back handsprings and other basic tricks. Great way to prepare for dance recitals and competitive dance competitions.


Xtreme Ninja {Parkettes Style} Boys & Girls ages 6-18- This skill based, fast paced, fitness class will teach your child to channel their energy level into a focused goal. Spinning, rolling, climbing, jumping and flipping give your child a challenge they will never forget. Boys and girls will participate in challenges to increase athletic fitness and coordination for all sports. Check the schedule- 2 different classes one for 6-8 year olds and one for 9-11 year olds.



Kinder Ninja Boys & Girls ages 3-5- This skill based, fast paced, fitness class will teach your child to channel their energy level into a focused goal. Spinning, rolling, climbing, jumping and flipping give your child a challenge they will never forget.



You & Me Kid Boys & Girls ages 1-3- You will learn and use proven techniques to help develop your child's sensory motor coordination and self-confidence. Each session your child will reach new milestones in development. Fun themes are incorporated throughout each semester.



Mighty Ks Girls ages 5-6- This program is designed for girls who are preparing to move from a preschool class into a recreational gymnastics class. In this transitional class, the emphasis is placed on developing specific gymnastics skills through progressive activities on each of the gymnastics apparatus tumbling, vaulting, bars, balance beam and trampoline.



Kindergym Girls & Boys Ages 3-6- Our curriculum and goals are designed to develop a high level of gross motor skills, to build self-confidence, and to give each child a strong self-image. Children explore their physical abilities through age-appropriate activities on the four Olympic events as well as the use of such preschool equipment as incline mats, barrels, slides, tunnels, donuts, parachutes, and trampolines. This program will enhance their listening skills and help them learn to follow directions in our safe and FUN environment.



Girls Age 6 & Up Attending 2x a week recommended. - Call if interested. - Parkettes recreational class program is structured to follow USA Gymnastics guide-lines and is achievement oriented. Classes are designed to prepare girls for both competitive and non-competitive gymnastics. Basic skills, progressions, strength, and flexibility training are included in our program. Instruction is included on all women\s apparatus, with the trampoline and pit used to aid in the safe learning of higher level skills. Our annual Turkey Trot, Leprechaun Leap, and class competition highlight the class program. Ribbons, medals and lots of Fun...for everyone.



Boys Age 6 & Up Beginner: no experience / Intermediate: 1 yr or more experience- Instruction includes all six men's events as well as the trampoline and pit. The program is focused on three elements; a fun and positive environment; fundamental skill development; and basic motor-muscular development in strength, flexibility and coordination! By emphasizing your child\'s success, athletic confidence will develop for both gymnastics and any other sport your son may later pursue.



Cheernastics Ages 6-18- Learn the tumbling skills you need to make your school's squad or improve your individual tumbling and technique. In our state of the art facility, we can help you learn round-offs, front and back handsprings, flips and more, safely and correctly. Strength and flexibility training is also included in each class. Our qualified coaches can assist with beginner through advanced tumbling. We will focus on cheer jumps, partner stunts, strength, flexibility and weekly conditioning.



Special Needs - These classes are intended to meet the needs of any child who whether for physical, mental or emotional reasons, cannot adapt comfortably to our other gymnastics programs. Some special needs may be best met in our regular instructional classes; please call the office to discuss what may work best for your child.



Enrichment Program - Boys & Girls, Ages 2 1/2-5 - This program is designed to provide your child with structured activities combined with gymnastics and FUN. We provide activities that give your child an opportunity to discover, explore, be challenged and most of all make them love to come to school. It is a great way to prepare your child for Kindergarten. We believe children grow, develop and learn at different rates, and we strive to develop the type of environment that considers each child’s individual needs and interests. (Our Director, Christy Dawson, has a degree in early child and elementary education, and the rest of the team is our gymnastics staff) Runs Monday-Thursday 9:30am-12:30pm. Prices are per month.

Lunch Time Flipzone Supervised Open Gym Boys & Girls Ages 1-7- Parents spend quality athletic time with your child Monday through Friday 12:00Noon through 1:00pm in our safe preschool gymnasium.
Cost per child $8.00 for members
$10.00 for non-members.
General Public is welcome.
The registration and payment process is EASY. If you want to read more about the system please CLICK HERE.

Once you fill out the information and release for your family you will not have to do it again, unless you need to update or change the information.


Our sessions are 12 weeks and are based on the school year calendar (except for the Enrichment program which is month to month). Tuition is paid every 12 weeks. Tuition must be paid a month prior to start in order to guarantee your spot. A valid credit card or debit card is required for registration. All students are automatically enrolled in the same class for the next 12 weeks within the September-June year. Accounts will be billed one month prior to the start of each session.

REGISTRATION FEE: Due upon enrollment, and is effective September 1, 2023 through August 31, 2024. $35.00 per person, $20.00 each additional family member. prior to start class, the balance must be paid in full.

CLASS WITHDRAWAL FORMS: A class withdrawal form must be filled out one month prior to the next session starting in order to avoid being charged for the next session. CLICK HERE to print out the form or CLICK HERE to fill out a form online.

If you decide to join after the semester has begun, no problem…. The amount shown is a 12 week fee. 
The amount you will be charged will be confirmed to you in your email confirmation. 

ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP FEE: This is due upon enrollment and is effective through August 31, 2025. This fee is not included in the class fee. $35.00 per person, $20.00 each additional family member. 

Fees may be paid by MASTERCARD, VISA, DISCOVER, AMERICAN EXPRESS, check or cash. Payments may be given at the office or sent by mail. Make checks payable to PARKETTES and write the name of person attending class, day, time and phone number on each check.

ALL PAYMENTS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE: A service charge of $30.00 will be assessed for each RETURNED CHECK. 
FAMILY DISCOUNT AVAILABLE - only applies to full payment.

SIBLING DISCOUNT AVAILABLE 1st student: Full rate • 2nd student: 10% off lowest price • Additional students: 15% off lowest price.
Class schedule-Parkettes
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